Sister Species: Negotiating the intersections of animal and human injustice

By Kathleen Stachowski    Other Nations

An intersection in Missoula, MT was formerly called Malfunction Junction, so named for the muddle of major thoroughfares that collide there and the lengthy red lights drivers endured while each street (in some cases, each direction of each street) took its turn.

Malfunction Junction is, perhaps, an unfortunate model for our approach to the intersections of oppressions that plague us: racism, sexism, homophobia, and yes–speciesism. It’s a long wait to see the light. Or maybe it’s not an apt model, since we tend to idle in our own lane and miss those intersections entirely.

As a second wave feminist (Ms. Magazine, the ERA, that whole Sisterhood is Powerful thang) and an animal rights activist, I’ve had plenty of time to consider how exploitation of both women and animals runs side-by-side and intersects. Sometimes it smacks you upside the head.  The other day I was pumping gas when in pulled a gigantic pickup truck sporting a window decal featuring the silhouette of a mudflap girl’s body with a deer’s antlered head. (If that’s too subtle, try this.) Bleh. Or, consider “Racks, the calendar,” featuring the trophy-grade body parts of two species. (Wait–make that three species. You can get the mule deer or whitetail edition!) “Every hunter will love hanging this on their wall,” reads the text.

But often, those intersections aren’t obvious, and we–each of us fighting our own good fight–haven’t always recognized that social justice issues are all connected at the hips. Does a straight feminist need to worry about gay rights? Should a Caucasion gay rights activist care about racism? Must a person of color add animal exploitation to the struggle? Why should an animal rights activist give a hoot about any human injustice? Dr. King probably said it best and most succinctly: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Because oppressions are linked, it’s not enough to be “just” a feminist or “only” an animal rights activist, and that’s the take-away message in Lisa Kemmerer’s anthology, Sister Species: Women, animals, and social justice (released summer of 2011).

Did you know that more than 60% of animal activists are women? Fourteen of them share their stories in this anthology, a book that, according to the author:

  • Exposes critical connections between social justice movements, focusing on sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, and speciesism…;
  • Establishes speciesism as an important concern for all social justice activists…;
  • Elucidates why all social justice advocates ought to adopt a vegan lifestyle;
  • Encourages animal advocates to network with other social justice advocates to expose and dismantle all forms of oppression… (Kemmerer 6)

It’s not just any book in which you can hear from a woman who describes her former self as a “…vegetarian-but-not-vegan lesbian/feminist/antiracist/pro-peace/antipoverty activist who insisted that everything–racism, sexism, homophobia, capitalism, militarism, etc. etc.–was connected…but somehow managed to leave nonhuman animals out of the equation.” This particular essayist now rehabilitates roosters rescued from cock fighting rings.

Or how about this, from the head of investigation for Canadians for the Ethical Treatment of Food Animals: “As women, we must be aware of the suffering of sows (and “dairy” cows, and “laying” hens) and refuse to support such cruel exploitation of female reproductive potential.” Here’s more: A black vegan challenges white animal rights activists to “reflect on ‘whiteness as the norm’” even as they demand self-examination from speciesists who accept animal exploitation as the norm.

We meet a Korean woman who heads up an international nonprofit working to improve farmed animals’ lives; a Native American artist who, as a child, witnessed a parakeet dying in a department store cage and subsequently became an advocate for captive birds; an animal rights attorney who says, “I look forward to the day when a nonhuman is allowed to live because laws protect nonhuman individuals for their own sakes, not because ‘it’ is an object that belongs to a human,” and more. The margins of my copy are scribbled and starred and I’d love to share a quote or three from every writer, but you’d do better to discover them for yourself.

Perhaps my favorite–if it’s possible to find favor amongst these remarkable women–is a pioneer theologian in her late 80s. “Dominion does not mean domination….In truth, religion has not been irrelevant regarding our treatment of nonhuman animals–religion has been a leading factor in perpetuating cruelty.” When she was eighty, Elizabeth Jane Farians took it upon herself “…to bring the subject of animal ethics to the academic world of theologians.” Her account of meeting with the chair of a college theology department is priceless on many levels–for her unwavering commitment to her vision, for her persistence (it took over a year to convince him), and for her humility–he kept her waiting in the hall numerous times “…like a naughty schoolchild outside the principal’s office.”

Whether they focus on poultry or primates, poetry or protest, theatre or theology, these women–justice-seekers all–inspire and teach about self-examination and honesty in the struggle to eradicate speciesism along with the other oppressions that deny individuals of all species the full potential of their lives.

An ad for Hooters chain restaurant frequently appears in my local newspaper. In it, a scantily-clad Hooters “girl” poses coyly while holding a plate of chicken wings. As a feminist, I see blatant objectification of women (Grab some Hooters!). As a vegan, I see the suffering that preceded the now-disembodied wings. But having read Sister Species, I see even more. I now consciously acknowledge that those wings came from hens specifically–female beings already exploited for their eggs (in the case of “layers”) and flesh (in the case of “broilers”–indeed, genetically manipulated to grow abnormally rapidly and produce large, succulent breasts). It’s harder now to miss the intersection of oppressions in a culture whose various appetites demand young, firm flesh and large breasts in more than one species.

Kemmerer’s excellent appendix “Factory Farming and Females” ends thus: “Whether or not we eat cows and their nursing milk, chickens and their reproductive eggs, sows, or turkeys–and their young–intimately affects the lives of other females” (184). This seems to answer the question she asked in the introduction: “How will feminists meet the challenges posed by animal advocates?” (24).

We approach Malfunction Junction every day, again and again. As activists, we can idle in our own narrow, one-way lane, waiting our turn to proceed on our righteous but single-minded mission. Zooming through, we ignore or miss intersections that, if only we could or would turn onto them, might reveal advantageous side streets–linkages that combine our routes, strengthening and hastening the flow toward justice.

13 Responses

  1. A very insightful article and the Sister Species book should be highly recommended reading ; as an animal advocate focusing on feral cat rescue and related issues, I have had the good fortune of working with some of these very special women whose passion is only matched by their compassion and love for justice on behalf of all of our fellow beings; there were many times when I would have given up the fight if it wasn’t for their unwavering support and belief in our common cause.

  2. Great article and the book “Sister Species” sounds like a great Christmas present for a lot of people especially college girls who have no clue how they are being exploited by their male counterparts and their lack of compassion for non-human animals when purchasing clothing and accessories, all while considering themselves “feminists”.

  3. Oh wow… “Malfunction Junction!” Yes, having lived in Missoula myself, I remember that intersection well. I hadn’t thought about it for years. Now I’m chuckling to myself about it.

    Anyway, I have some thoughts about the central arguments being made here, and might elaborate on that later.

    Meanwhile, thanks for stirring up those memories, Kathleen. (still chuckling.)

  4. I agree, and disagree, with much of what Kathleen asserts here. I would say that in general principal, I agree with most of it, but I don’t buy into the strict vegan/animal rights ideology.

    I would add that places like “Hooters” and the strip clubs that were (don’t know if they still are) in Missoula are just as exploitive of men as they are of women, if one is to frame the business in terms of exploitation.

    Having visited with some of the young women who worked at one of those clubs — from their perspective, they didn’t feel exploited or victimized. Indeed, one told me outright it was a good way to help pay for college.

    From the strippers’ perspective, it was all about playing men like fiddles, in order to bilk as much money as possible out of them.

    Not that I agree, or support the principle of strip clubs — but it’s a bit more complicated than some make it out to be.

  5. Those links to the antler-headed female anatomy are repulsive on so many levels.

    Although I don’t know what more could be added to Carol Adam’s original insights – But like everything else… The more I explore the more I discover. Sadly it’s also the more I’m horrified by the magnitude of it all… Bitterly so.

  6. I haven’t even finished, and had to stop to say thank you for writing this review. I’ve added this to my reading list, and it’s very near the top.

  7. I expect this book will help me navigate my way toward weaving human rights into my animal rights. I have, in the past, had a “nuke ’em” kind of attitude toward humans. Okay. Maybe an overstatement. But I felt that there were cazillions of human rights activists, and I’d let them take care of what they were passionate about and not bother me with it, and I’d do the animal side. Not that I will add human rights to my repertoire of actively activisting, but I can see myself contemplating more issues and having less Malfunction Junctionitis.

  8. Hal, Malfunction Junction was “fixed” several years ago. That’s how everyone refers to it–“fixed” in quotation marks. The wait for the green light isn’t as long now, but some turns still require that you drive past the street and then double back to it in 2-3 extra turns, or travel briefly in the opposite direction before turning on the desired street in the desired direction. I even got confused just now, trying to explain.

    Provoked, Carol Adams has written the forward to Sister Species. You might be interested in this–I just came across it and haven’t read it yet .
    I tend to think of injustice as something that happens across the spectrum to beings of any and all species…this book helps emphasize that. Mo, I agree that even for those who don’t put their energy into human rights, seeing the linkages refines our thinking and makes us more effective activists.

  9. Kathleen. Good to hear they “fixed” it. (hee hee).

    The problem with Missoula is you essentially have an outer section, and then an older, inner square, turned at an angle. Malfunction Junction sits at the worst possible confluence of those two layouts.

    Another town I lived in, Twin Falls, Idaho, had a similar arrangement, with similar results — though not nearly as drastic as in Missoula.

  10. […] who has read Lisa Kemmerer’s Sister Species: Women, animals and social justice will instantly recognize the institutional exploitation of […]

  11. […] Sister Species: Women, Animals, and Social Justice book review is here […]

  12. […] author of “Sister Species: Women, animals, and social justice” (2011; I reviewed it here), an examination of the interplay between sexism and speciesism. Now she zooms out to take in our […]

  13. […] is also the author of “Sister Species: Women, animals, and social justice” (2011; I reviewed it here), an examination of the interplay between sexism and speciesism. Now she zooms out to take in our […]

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