Gassed Geese and Airport Safety

David Cassuto

A few days ago, agents of the U.S. Department of Agriculture descended on Prospect Park in Brooklyn where they rounded up 400 Canada geese and gassed them to death.  The geese were molting and so could not fly.  The reason for this mass killing was ostensibly airport safety.  You see, Prospect Park lies 6.5 miles from La Guardia and Kennedy airports and the rules say that all geese within 7 miles of an airport must be killed.   

The word “arbitrary” comes to mind.  So does “inane” and a few others.  The goose kills began as a reaction to the narrowly averted tragedy of US Air flight 1549 which made an emergency landing in the Hudson River last January after some geese apparently flew into its engines.  However, the geese that flew into that plane were migratory birds.  They were not year-round residents like those that lived in Prospect Park.  There is no evidence to suggest that those non-migratory birds posed any threat to air travel.  Nor for that matter is there any evidence to suggest that the 1,235 other geese so far rounded up and killed were dangerous either.

There’s much one could say about all this but the facts mostly speak for themselves.  One thing worth emphasizing is that the frequently used “us or them” opposition is inapposite here (as it is most everywhere).  The geese were not a threat.  They were rather killed to present the appearance that the feds were doing something to keep the skies safe for air travel.  That doesn’t seem like a very good reason.  In fact, it seems downright stupid.

The dead geese will be double-bagged and dumped into a landfill.

Sidebar: Henry Stern (for whom I used to work) is a former NYC Councilman and Parks Commissioner.  He is also the founder of  NY Civic, a NY government watchdog NGO.  He blogs regularly (under his nom de park: “Starquest”) about issues relating to NY City and State and has a particularly excellent piece on the goose kill here.

One Response

  1. So sad – We’ve even run out of room to “share” with the animals in the sky.

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