A tale of two horses

GirlsHorseClub.com – click

Kathleen Stachowski    Other Nations

Horses need your help and they need it now. It doesn’t matter if you’re not a “horse person”–you’re an animal person, and this domestic animal needs 10 minutes of your time, my time, our time. More on that in a moment, but first, a tale of two horses. One, a beloved Irish Draught cross thoroughbred, euthanized recently when his old body finally gave out; the other one executed in the prime of his life and butchered as a taunt to animal activists opposed to horse slaughter.  

Martin Rose / Eastnews.co.uk – click

Shayne was living the good life at Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary, near Ingatestone, Essex (Great Britain) when, at 51 years old–120 in human years–his old legs gave out and he collapsed. He was euthanized and cremated and will find his final resting place at the sanctuary where he enjoyed a comfortable retirement (video). Said the founder of the 40-acre sanctuary, “Shayne was a happy horse, a lovely old boy and we are proud to have known him…we shall miss him dearly” (source).

Contrast this–a beloved horse cared for over a very long lifetime and then grieved for–with a two-year-old horse executed in cold blood by a spiteful monster who filmed the deed, first turning toward the camera to say, “To all you animal activists, f**k you.” (Albuquerque news video here; the horse’s death is edited out. Unedited version here.)

The killer, an avowed horse-eater and now-former employee of Valley Meat Company in Roswell, NM, had this to say about the “thing” he killed:

“I killed that animal for my consumption. If I had shot that thing in the guts or the legs or beat it and left it in the pasture for the coyotes to get at, it’d be a different discussion. I shot that for my human, my personal, consumption.”   ~Bloomberg News

Valley Meat Company, a former cattle slaughter plant, is on track to be the nation’s first horse slaughter plant since the last U.S. plants closed in 2007 when an appropriations bill terminated funding for Department of Agriculture (USDA) horse meat inspections. (The prohibition against inspections was removed from the law in 2011.)

Operations at Valley Meat were suspended by the USDA a year ago owing to their “failure to meet regulatory requirements in regards to the humane handling of animals…during slaughter”:

“On February 24, 2012, an FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service) Inspector observed a beef bull being stunned with a .40 caliber pistol, which did not stun the animal. Your backup firearm, a .410 shotgun also failed to stun the animal, after which the plant employee attempted to stun the animal again using the .40 caliber pistol. The backup firearm was again used two more times before the animal was rendered unconscious. Postmortem examination revealed that none of the first four shots penetrated the skull.” Source: Notice of suspension (made available by Equine Welfare Alliance)

You can make yourself sick, crazy, or both contemplating the terror and pain endured by that bull–all for the fleeting taste of a steak or a hamburger. Next, understand that substantial differences exist between killing cattle and killing horses–while in the above incident a gun was employed, the following pertains to a captive bolt gun–but both require an accurately-placed shot: “Terrified horses have longer necks than cattle, and throw their heads around wildly, trying to avoid being struck by the captive bolt, causing workers to make hurried and repeated blows” (HorseFund.org — scroll past the thumbnail photos. Enlarge them if you dare.)

No matter the target animal or the weapon, the speciesist impulse to slaughter other beings is one of humankind’s uglier characteristics; it’s never good for animals and it’s never “humane” (see HumaneMyth.org).

Click for larger view

Anti-slaughter horse people–they don’t necessarily define themselves as animal rights proponents or vegans–offer many valid reasons to oppose horse slaughter. Among them is the fact that horses aren’t raised as food animals, hence they are given a smorgasbord of drugs, many unsafe for human consumption. Then there’s the idea that horses are more companion than livestock, that we owe them the same loyalty they’ve shown us. You can easily imagine the same thing being said about dogs were dog slaughter to be proposed.

It behooves animal rights activists, vegans, and anti-slaughter horse folks to join forces on this one. Sure, as vegans, we see little difference between the slaughter of pigs and the slaughter of horses–sentient beings, both. Does a pig think and feel less meaningfully than a horse? Love her babies less? Suffer less? But when given the opportunity to keep an entire species out of the slaughter loop, why wouldn’t we grab it?!?

Here’s where those ten minutes for horses come in.  The bi-partisan SAFE Act (Safeguarding American Food Exports Act of 2013: Senate version S. 541; House version, H.R. 1094) can shut down–with federal legislation–the states’ movement toward re-instituting slaughter.

Bipartisan legislation…has been introduced that would stop the inhumane killing of American horses for human consumption and prohibit the transport of horses across the U.S. border for slaughter in Canada and Mexico. The Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act would prevent the introduction of horse slaughter operations in the U.S., end the current export of American horses for slaughter abroad, and protect the public from consuming toxic horse meat.  ~Equine Advocates

On the outside chance that you need help finding your three elected federal officials, here’s a really quick and easy resource: Contacting the Congress.org. It took me less than 30 seconds to come up with message form links and phone numbers for my two senators and one representative. Call ’em, fax ’em, or e-mail ’em. Tell them you oppose horse slaughter anywhere in the U.S., insert your own personal reason if you wish, and ask them to support the bi-partisan Safeguarding American Food Exports Act of 2013 that would ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption in the US and prohibit transporting them to other countries for the purpose of slaughter.

If you’d like to know if either your senators or representative have already signed on to the legislation as co-sponsors, check here for Senate co-sponsors and here for House co-sponsors. If you find their names there, lucky you! Contact them anyhow and let them know you support their effort.

Perhaps you’re familiar with the nauseating manner in which pro-slaughter people discuss this issue–referring to “unwanted horses” for whom there’s no solution but “humane harvest.” If horse breeders would take a look in a mirror, they’d see both the problem and the solution–at least a substantial part of it.

A few years ago, Rocky Mountain Rider asked, in their Horsepeople’s Forum, “What is your opinion on the proposed equine slaughter plant in Wyoming?” One Montana commenter had this to say:  “When you run livestock such as horses you cannot keep everyone that is junk. That is loss of profits and runs you out of business….”

You cannot keep everyone that is junk. The availability of horse slaughter enables irresponsible, callous people like that commenter to continue breeding and dumping their “junk” for cash. Let’s shut them down.
Learn more at PopVox.com from organizations endorsing the SAFE Act.

8 Responses

  1. When you refer to animals as ‘junk,’ you clearly have no soul. You were born a monster.

  2. I’ve often wondered why Europeans have no qualms about eating horse meat, but Americans are largely repulsed by the idea. What cultural factors come into play?

  3. I hope that video comes back the haunt the pro-slaughter forces who are always going on and on about how “humane” and “professional” the horsemeat industry is.

  4. Thank God for you and others like you who are trying to stop this beastly treatment of such gentle creatures~ Bless you.

  5. HAL 9000, a possible answer to your question is from the title of a song in Fiddler on the Roof: “Tradition.”

    I find it interesting that “tradition” is called the doublet of “treason” by the Online Etymology Dictionary http://www.etymonline.com.

  6. Thank you Kathleen. I’m holding out so much hope for the Safe Act to pass. It is our only/last hope isn’t it? I’ve signed and shared with everyone I can think of. I fear if it doesn’t pass… It may open the door to horse-consumption in the U.S. – Perhaps that’s the industry’s long-range goal anyway. (?) 😦

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