EPA Region 2 — Taking It To the CAFOs

David Cassuto

The news release speaks for itself:

Region 2 Issues a Class II Administrative Complaint to a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation for Illegal Discharges and Numerous Permit Violations On July 15, 2010, Region 2 issued an Administrative Complaint against Wilkins Dairy Farm, LLC (“Respondent”) for several violations of the Clean Water Act and the regulations governing the operation of concentrated animal feeding operations (“CAFOs”).  The Respondent owns and operates a CAFO that confines approximately 287 mature dairy cows and 125 heifers and heifer calves.  On April 20, 2010, EPA conducted a Compliance Evaluation Inspection of the facility, and observed numerous violations of the Clean Water Act and its implementing regulations, including structural failures that have caused the discharge of silage leachate to a tributary of Maxwell Creek, the illegal dumping of manure, and the failure to implement a comprehensive nutrient management plan and best management practices, conduct inspections, or properly operate and maintain the facility.  On May 15, 2010, EPA issued an Administrative Order directing the Respondent to correct its violations, and on July 15, 2010, EPA issued the above-mentioned Administrative Complaint, proposing to assess a penalty of $65,000.  Contact: Chris Saporita, in the Office of Regional Counsel, at (212) 637-3203 or Christy Arvizu, in the Water Compliance Branch, at (212) 637-3961.

h/t: Marla Wieder

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