Mind if I Order the Cheeseburger & Other Questions People Ask Vegans

David Cassuto

Professor Sherry Colb of Cornell Law School has written an excellent new book.  Check out my review of it here: http://verdict.justia.com/author/cassuto.

3 Responses

  1. I expect I’ll agree with most of Professor Colb’s book, but I do think it’s inconsistent to seek protection for sentient nonhumans while dismissing the sentience of a human fetus in late term abortion. There may be reason why late term abortion is justified, imo, but since some women are unwilling or unable to consider the interests of a sentient fetus, I think he/she should be protected by law. I don’t know at what point Professor Colb draws a line, or even if she draws a line, but that would be important to me.

    I hope Professor Colb explains her abolitionist perspective beyond being dismissive of incremental steps. My own objection to “humane” improvements is that they are used to put a stamp of approval on animal products.

  2. True, no one can be ordered to be a Good Samaritan. In fact, that would negate the definition of someone whose good heart leads him to go out of his way to help a stranger — even a member of an enemy tribe — in need.

    I’m wondering why it is considered harder to be a Good Samaritan to an unborn child for up to nine months than to be a Good Samaritan to all animals — by not exploiting them — for the rest of one’s earthly life.

    My objection to “humane” improvements is the same as Ellie’s. They are conscience appeasers.

  3. BlessUsAll, I’m glad we agree on “humane” improvements. And yes, why should it be harder to be a Good Samaritan to an unborn child than to animals?

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